Older Men Younger Women: Why Older Men are Increasingly Dating Younger Women

Nowadays more and more older men are going out of their ways to date younger females. Women their age have been left to run after younger boys infamously known as toyboys. The only other option would be to remain single as the MILF is no longer attractive unless to a broke man under thirty.

These men will go to extreme lengths just to justify that they are still desirable and in the game. I know men who are buying cars and renting apartments for young college going damsels just to seek their companionship and maybe some 'leg services'. So why are older men so into younger women?

For one, it's like a business arrangement. They are both using each other, know it and are totally cool about it. There are no love fantasies, just plain understanding. It's a more rewarding relationship especially for a man who has had enough nagging from a wife and wants just receptive female company.

It also makes them feel young and still in the game. They can easily challenge the young and the toughest as you only need to see his bank balance to bow out of the game. These old geezers are financially secure and are not afraid of spending to get what they want. It's also rewarding especially if you spent your younger years chasing financially security over girls. It's now 'their time to eat' and most feel justified about it.

There is also the issue of divorce. Divorce rates are increasing everyday in Kenya and married women are no longer so forgiving when it comes to incidents of cheating. Men go for younger women when they divorce because they want to send a message to their ex-wives that they are still in demand and that divorce was the least of their worries.

Younger women are also more carefree and thus more fun. Your evaerage 40year old just wants to go home to be with the kids after a 8-5 job. Younger women are more likely to hit the clubs and thus present a better opportunity for fun.

Younger women have also dated for fewer years and thus have less emotional baggage. They are more likely to try new relationships. She not interested in getting a ring here and now unlike older women. She is the dream ticket for a 40 year old who wants to have fun and more fun in life.

As some 'Mzee' once told me, these younger women are very easy to impress. First of all you can take her to the finer restaurants knowing that she has never been there. You can show her all your secret favorite places she has never experienced. It's common knowledge that women like a man with a plan, so these geezers have a better chance and they know it.

Older men dating younger women is becoming more popular and so long as these guys get their ego boost from it, I don't see this ending soon.


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